Unity Rigidbody Movement
Rigidbody Character Movement W elcome, In this article, I'll teach you how to create a character controller using rigid bodies. Firstly, we'll set up our player's character by creating a simple one and give some very basic movement scripts with rigid body movement. Last time, we used the character controller one which was not physics-based. But, rigid body movement is a totally physics-based movement. In my view, it is easier than the character controller component. #1 Rigid body and how to add it : So, now we'll learn about rigid bodies. What exactly is a rigid body? Well, it is a built-in component in unity that applies physics in your Game Object. If u have a Game Object without a rigid body and you put in at a certain height then it won't fall. But, when you put rigid body gravity starts to be applied and that means it'll fall. so how do you add it? Simple just select the object you want to add it into and then click add component then select the rigid body ...